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The Virtual Monkey

Drama in you Living Room!


What is Virtual Monkey Drama? Its just like being at class, but you are doing it all in your own house! How exciting!!! Mum, dad, brothers, sisters and even the pets can join in! 

When can i join in my weekly class? You can go on your Drama adventures anytime you like and as many times as you like! They will be put on here every Monday.

What happens in a P2 - P5 class? We will be doing the same adventure as the younger ages group with changes to suit your age group, the adventures are really a whole family affair so the more you invest your imagination, the more fun you will have! We will also include an additional video task each week to help you come up with your own scripts and ideas!

Will there be any other activities to do!? Yes. I will get you to make or find props for your classes. create characters, challenge yourself and your imagination. I will provide the template and you can share it with me via email!

I will also throw in some other things for good measure and sharing and of photos of you in action would be great so i could then share it on the MD facebook page. Just like we do for our face to face classes!

You need to sign up to one of our great value plans to join in our weekly online drama sessions!

Join us for weekly online drama classes
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